Thursday, December 06, 2007

Mitt Romney's Mormon Speech

Titled, "Faith in America", here is presidential hopeful Mitt Romney's speech from this morning.



Enjoy, and let me know what you think.


Ashlee said...

Thanks for the post. I hadn't heard the speech. Pretty good. He made some good points. We'll see if people can look past Mormonism to the man. I haven't honestly looked into him as a person yet. None of the candidates actually. But, hopefully, those who decide who gets to be the final candidates for both sides are able to decide based on the person, not because of the "scary" religion they follow.

Freddie said...

I did hear his speech, and I thought it was very presdential. I do feel however that it is sad that he ended up having to even make a speech like this. But... since he did, I was happy to see how well he did and that he didnt try to explain all the beliefs of the Mormon Faith. The one thing I do wish he would have done was call it "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, in stead of Mormon religion. All in all I thought it was a beautiful speech.

Shan said...

Cam, didn't get a chance to watch it. But i like your banner quote by Henry Irying and agree 100%. It's inspiring. Also, I've always been impressed w/ how much the church gives as far as donations, humanitarian work goes. Another inspiration. I do believe when it comes down to the bare necesseties of purpose, it's about taking care of our fellow all things. Shannon

neonprimetime said...

I also question why he made the speech? It brings into question a lot of things about him ... like apparently he may be too hooked to the polls which were saying he needed to make the speech. What does being Mormon have to do with being a president? Nothing that I know of. Didn't they go thru this with Kennedy as a Catholic?

Also, it brings up the media's left bias again, simply because they essentially forced him to give this speech ... when you know darn well that if it was a Muslim for example running for president, it would be discriminatory to call upon them to make a speech. Sad country we're in right now.

Overall, I'm kinda under the opinion right now that Mitt would make a better VP instead.

Charles D said...

The problem I have with Romney's speech is that he conflated freedom and religion and left the impression that any religion is OK but no religion is not OK.

It is certainly not the case that "freedom requires religion" - in fact, you could make the argument that all secular nations are more free than any religious nations. It is also silly to say that "religion requires freedom". The Christian faith certainly did not arise under conditions of freedom, nor did it impose them once it came to power.

Geoffrey Kruse-Safford said...

Two things, one related to this post, the other, not so much. Neon Prime Time, it wasn't "the left" that "made" Romney give this speech. It was the fanatical Christian Right that still thinks the LDS Church is a cult. Why is that so hard to get through your head?

There is no "left" in the media. They don't care about Romney's religious beliefs, when there are enough things to not like about his candidacy - his flip-flopping from Rockefeller Republicanism to some kind of right-wingism without missing a beat. What "left" there is in this country does not exist in "the media". If you're paying attention at all, "the left" criticizes the media - with examples galore - for bias that often is called conservative, but is really more one of convention than ideology; that is to say, the major media frame issues, and few stray outside the lines set by these framers, even if those frames are crooked, trapezoidal, dodecahedral, or what have you. My own problem with our major media is simple - they're about as dumb as a barn door with a few rusty nails sticking out of it.

Cameron, this is a personal aside. Have you out there in Utah-not-Idaho experienced the same awful weather the plains and now we on the prairie have? Haven't seen a new post in a few days, so just wondering . . .

Unknown said...

Rockin' speech. Here's something very few people know, he writes all his own speeches. I thought he did a fantastic job and I was so pleased. It simply cemented more firmly my decision to vote for him.

Cameron said...

Thanks all for the comments, and Geoffrey thanks for your concern. I'm alive and well, we've got lots of snow, but nowhere near the problems east of us.

It's been a busy week or so around these parts, and I haven't had the time or inclination to put pen to paper. I hope to be able to listen to the speech again and create a post about it in the near future.