Thursday, January 15, 2009

It's Official: Jazz Suck

They just lost to the Oklahoma City Thunder - a team which had only won 6 times all year.

I realize the Jazz are missing Boozer and Millsap, and Deron isn't really Deron yet - but come on.


Jason The said...

Wow, we agree on something!

Such a nice start this season too, seems like a waste.

Frank Staheli said...

I almost swore when I picked up the sports section yesterday. "such promise," I said in earshot of my wife, "but they just decided its okay to suck!"

She wondered, "Well, why do you care?"

I'm beginning to think she has a point...

Crystal said...

I think that this is the first time that I have read your blog!! :) Sorry that they lost I am feeling really bad for you!!

Mark said...

It's because they have a stupid name. What does Jazz have to do with Utah? Is there such a thing as Jazz in Utah?